New bionic compound eyes reveal how insects see the world!

New bionic compound eyes reveal how insects see the world!

 When the flies feel the threat, the flies fly away very quickly. How do the flies see the threat and react quickly? Researchers at the School of Precision Instruments and Photoelectronics Engineering of Tianjin University have developed a new visual system for simulating insects with bionic compound eyes. They have found that insects may detect the trajectory of an object according to the intensity of light emitted by the object. The research results were published in the International Journal Optics Letters, which was featured by the Optical Society (OSA), and then reproduced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Science Daily and the World Science and Technology Research News Network ( and other important academic media.

Minister for Science and Technology of China visited MNMT-Dublin

Minister for Science and Technology of China visited MNMT-Dublin

  On July 15th, Mr. Zhigang Wang, the Minister for Science and Technology of China visited the UCD Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT-Dublin). Professor Fengzhou Fang, the director of MNMT-Dublin had an introduction on the research and development conducted in the centre. A technical tour to the laboratory was followed. Mr. Wang showed his great interest in the research progress made by MNMT members.
  Professor Andrew Deeks, the President of the University College Dublin delivered his welcome address to the guests from the Ministry of Science and Technology before the laboratory visit.
  MNMT-Dublin is a UCD research centre focus on the cutting-edge research in design, manufacturing and measurement with the applications in bio implants, medical devices, aspheric/freeform optics and phonics.

博士生张皓洋获得2018 Moldex3D全球模流达人赛学生组特别奖

博士生张皓洋获得2018 Moldex3D全球模流达人赛学生组特别奖

  2019年6月18日,2018 Moldex3D全球模流达人赛颁奖仪式在上海举行。本次比赛学生组全球共有七份作品获奖,天津大学微纳制造实验室(MNMT)在读博士生张皓洋的作品《Using Moldex3D to Design Microfluidic Features》获得学生组特别奖。
  着眼于微尺度模腔内聚合物熔体复杂的充填行为,该作品针对使用默认或一般设置的仿真难以预测某些微特征的充填缺陷这一难题,将真实工艺参数、实际机器响应和热传递系数、排气、壁面滑移和凝固温度等物理现象集成于仿真分析中,以期成功预测微特征的充填缺陷。最终,该方法成功预测了微流控流式细胞仪芯片中微特征的充填,并且可对其解决方案(如变模温成型)的有效性进行快速、准确的评估。该作品已被收录于Moldex3D官方网站(,并被Moldex3D和Moldex3D Europe 在领英等平台报道(,。目前,相关研究成果《Precision replication of micro features using micro injection moulding: Process simulation and validation》已发表于Materials & Design ( 。 Moldex3D全球模流达人赛旨在奖励应用模流分析开发具有经济效益、解决塑料设计及制造难题的成功典范。据悉,本次比赛吸引了来自美洲、欧洲和亚太地区超过20个国家的参赛者,其作品涉及汽车、能源、医疗、电子、家电、家具及模具制造等产业。

118th MNMT Formu

The 118th MNMT Formu held in Room 402, the 17th Building.

Report Title: Development of nanoManufacturing process based on plasma and electrochemistry for difficult-to-machine materials.

Prof. Kazuya Yamamura, Osaka University

117th MNMT Formu

The 117th MNMT Formu held in Room B, Floor 3, Building 25A.

Report Title: “Uncertainty of roughness measurements with challenges and opportunities of noise information” and “Nanometrology: accuracy of interferometric measurements”

Prof. Han Haitjema, Catholic University of Leuven

116th MNMT Formu

The 116th MNMT Formu held in Building No.8 , Tianjin University.

Topic: Recent Advance in Automated Optical Inspection at NTU

Prof. Liang-Chia Chen, National Taiwan University

115th MNMT Formu

The 115th MNMT Formu held in Building No.8 , Tianjin University.

Topic: Micro-Metrology at Polimi

Prof. Giovanni Moroni, Politecnico di Milano

114th MNMT Formu

The 114th MNMT Formu held in Building No.8 , Tianjin University.

Topic: Optically Trapped Microprobe for Nano-Profile Measurement

Prof. Yasuhiro Takaya, Osaka University
